Feb 23-27 2015, TAIKO Drums and Flutes of Japan – Victor Harbour to Adelaide, with Toshi Sakamoto Nexus Arts
Mar 1 2015, Whispered Shadows in Adelaide. Anne Norman – shakuhachi, with guest artist Ryszard Pusz on percussion, ably soprano-bombed by Sarah Wilmot. The Chapel, Migration Museum, Adelaide, SA.
“Anne’s gift for words is shown already in the titles of her pieces… a poetic promise, abundantly fulfilled by the performances that followed… Anne alternates singing and playing in such a way that, after a while… you become unsure whether you are hearing her voice, or that of the flute, or both. …sheer, operatic colloratura, glowing with inner light, radiance and fluidity, but coming from a flute… In Anne’s work there is joy in the discovery that you are not an isolated being in an otherwise alien universe, that there is fulfilment in merging with the whole…” Melvyn Cann
Mar 25 2015, “The life of a performer” guest lecture presentation for 3rd year students in the Bachelor of Applied Music program at Box Hill Institute, Vic.
Mar 29 2015, Junko Sakamoto’s Surprise 50th. Anne wrote a shakuhachi part over the top of a string quartet performing Junko’s beloved Pachabel’s Cannon and a bilingual vocal line for her friends to sing.
Apr 11 2015, Melbourne Didjeridu Festival, shakuhachi, poetry and jamming with didj players at ‘Wombat Bend’, Templestowe, Vic.

Apr 12 2015, “The Land that Speaks” – Rainbow Shields (voice), Ondřej Smeykal (didgeridoo—Czech Republic), Anne Norman (shakuhachi), with Gumaroy, Turtle and Deano from Gamilaroi country. Hummingbird Eco Retreat, Red Hill.
Apr 18 2015, “Bring Your Japanese Alive through Drama” JLTAV Annual Conference in Melbourne: on team with Yuko Fujimitsu (Japanese Language Advisor, Department of Education, WA); Professor Jun Watanabe (Nihon University); and Shingo Usami, Actor.
Late April 2015 Recording sessions in Hobart and a school show Nexus Arts
May 8 2015, Izumi and Anne. 21 string koto and shakuhachi at Box Hill Community Centre. Violin-bombed by Emily Sheppard. The Boite.
May 15 2015, “Lingering Evocations: 伝統の響きと舞 Music & Dance.” Izumi Fujikawa (21 koto, jiuta shamisen); Chikuho Fukushima (folk song, minyo Shamisen), Brandon Lee (koto), Anne Norman (shakuhachi), Suzaki Misaki (Story teller), Yumi Yoshimura (Jiutamai dance) and Ryokushi Nishizaki (Nihon buoy dance), Wadaiko Rindo (taiko drums), Japan Club of Victoria. McKinnon.
May 17 2015, Izumi & Anne Gawler Room Japan Festival, Box Hill Town Hall.
May 18-22 2015, Western Victoria, solo school shows Nexus Arts
May 25-Jun 12 2015, TAIKO: Drums and Flutes in QLD Nexus Arts
Jun 1 2015, impro with Emily Sheppard (violin) and Robert Manley (cello) at a fundraising concert for Nepal in Moorooka, QLD
Jun 14 2015, Whispered Shadows in Witta, near Maleny, QLD: shakuhachi meditations, improvisations, poems and original compositions by Anne Norman with guest artist Michael Whiticker
Jun 15-18 2015, school shows in Sydney. Nexus Arts
Jun 19-21 Laura Aboriginal Dance Festival, QLD. Attended to listen and watch and learn. A fabulous festival!
July 2015, A fabulous road trip through the gulf country in the top of QLD and into NT, and down to Uluru.
Jul 25 2015, Djilpin festival: Walking with Spirits in Beswick, NT – performing with elder song man, Victor Hood, and accompanying the songs and words of the Wagilak Sisters. Also jammed with Tom E Lewis (didgeridoo) and Christopher Young (reeds). Held at Malkgulumbu, Beswick Falls, on Jawoyn Land, SW corner of Arnhem Land. A big thank you to Tom & Fleur and the Wugularr (Beswick) Community for sharing their songs, stories, dance and music.
“We first experienced your special sound at ‘Walking with Spirits’ where your instrument created a synergy with the elder’s welcome song that brought a reverent silence that travelled me back in time …. When we heard of your Darwin tunnel performance we immediately cleared the diary and knew we were in for a special experience! We were not disappointed. The ‘afterglow’ of the concert lingered for hours … just amazing! A wonderful experience. It is puzzling how each piece brings you to a different place with a smoothness that never interrupts your cosmic journeys! Brilliant!” Deb Carr (audience member)
Aug 2015, Arnhem Land, NT. Attended (as audience) Garma festival open day — forums, films, weaving, music and Bulgul dance with songmen, clapsticks and yidaki. Fabulous. Then time practicing in Nhulunbuy and exploring the Arafura coast with Dave Matthews and friends.
Aug 2015, Jammed with members of the Barra Band at Yolngu Radio, thanks to Gaia Osborne. Listen here to the jam, “Yolngu Crying for the Land.”
Aug 2015, Anne’s bilingual musical Issun Boshi: Inch High Samurai performed at Sale Primary school, Gippsland, Vic. A bi-annual event and central component of their Japanese language programme, performed by middle school since 2007. “Our Issun Booshi actor this year, and maybe even the whole production may have been the best ever. We had about 200 kids from other primary schools who are learning Japanese here to watch it, so that was fantastic.” Dianne Collins, Japanese teacher.

Aug 16-17 2015, Whispered Shadows – deep listening. Two Underground Performances in Darwin with local violinist and improviser, Anja Tait, with an exhibition of artworks by Rupert Betheras lining the walls of the tunnel. Joined by Emily Sheppard on the 2nd gig. WWII Oil Storage Tunnels, Wharf Precinct. TunnelNumberFive.

Anne’s Japan Concert Tour 2015…
Supported by the Australian Government through the Australia Japan Foundation of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. アン・ノーマンはオーストラリア外務貿易商豪日交流基金より助成を受けております。

- Sept 29 KUMAMOTO recording with 藤川いずみ (箏)
- Aug 30 KOBE 4pm Inori no Katachi 祈りのかたち (A Prayer) ミナル川西宏子 (地唄舞)、松浪千壽(地唄)、and guest artist Anne Norman(尺八) join Minalu’s dance students performing on the Ueda Noh stage 神戸長田の上田能楽堂 Otsuka-Cho 2-Chome 1-14, Nagata-Ku, Kobe, 〒653-0811 神戸市長田区大塚町2丁目1−14。Tel: 078-691-5449
- Sept 8 TOKYO performing for children in Touhou primary school, Choufu city. 桐朋小学校
- Sept 12 KYOTO “Voice of Bamboo” Glen Kniebeiss (tabla), Shyan Kishore (bansuri), Anne Norman (shak). Uzura Gallery, Sanjo Teramachi, Kyoto. 京都三条うずらギャラリー、 京都市中京区三条通寺町西入弁慶石町58.
- Sept 13 KYOTO – 2:30pm 秋の風 “Autumn Wind – Flutes of Japan & India” 日 本とオーストラリアのミュージシャンによる、日本とインドの音楽コンサート。 尺八と三味線による日本の伝統音楽。。。インドの竹笛バーンスリーとインドの打楽器タブラによる北インド古典音楽の即興演奏。。。尺八、バーンスリー、タ ブラによるコラボレーション。。。 瑞林院、京都市左京区田中門前町 Zuirin-In temple, Kyoto。出演: 尺八 Anne Norman, バーンスリー Hiros, タブラー Glen Kniebeiss, (スペシャルゲストPhilip Flavin – 三線)
- Sept 20 ARITA 影のささやき Whispered Shadows – shakuhachi recital at Komyo temple Sato, Wakayama 光明寺 和歌山県有田市初島町里1782. Tel: 090-3949-3417
- Sept 25 KIKUCHI 肥後古代の森「語りと尺八、箏の夕べ」”The Ancient Forest of Higo” Raconteur Ai Susaki 寿咲亜似 tells the story of Commander Keiu Matsuo and the midget submarines in Sydney Harbour, with Anne & Izumi. 菊池市文化会館 小ホール, 九州。
- Sept 27 KUMAMOTO Castle, “Harvest Moon” with 藤川いずみ Izumi Fujikawa (koto), 免出隆山 (尺八)、免出恵子、松田雅子、堀端京子、角田ちひろ(箏と三絃)。熊本城本丸御殿 入園料のみ 熊本城 名月鑑賞会
- Sept 3 & 4 FUKUSHIMA – school and private performances
- Sept 6 YOKOHAMA “Peace Concert” Anne Norman (shakuhachi); 上畑正和 Masakazu Uehata (piano & pedal organ); オカピ Okapi (steel pan); 木村真紀 Maki Kimura (vocals). なごみ邸 Nagomi-tei – a beautiful garden salon in Yokohama.
Maki Kimura, Masakazu Uehata, Anne Norman, Okapi at Nagomitei
back in Oz…
- Oct 26-Nov 10 2015, TAIKO Drums and Flutes, Perth. Nexus Arts
Oct 26 2015, Voicebox Fremantle – sharing my poems at Blinko st café, Fibonacci Centre.
Oct 31 2015, Perth Poetry Club – “feature poet” reading recent poems. The Moon Cafe, Northbridge, WA
Nov 13 2015, Yumi Umiumare’s PopUpTearoom series- actual, virtual and surreal ‘tearoom’ collaborations — Yumi Umiumare (director/dance performer); Adam Wojcinski (performer/tea specialist); Anne Norman (musician/poet); Bambang N Karim (media artist); Dan West (sound artist); Gregory Lorenzutti (dance performer/ photographer); Riza Manalo (visual artist); Shoso Shimbo (Ikebana/flower arrangement). Arts House North Melbourne.
Nov 20 2015, Anne joins Adam Simmons (multi-instrumentalist) in his mammoth 100:25:1 project to jam with 100 of Melbourne’s impro artists over 25 gigs! Concert 17: Steve Law; Anne Norman; David Jones; Matt Thomas. Conduit Arts, Brunswick St, Fitzroy.

Nov 25 2015, ‘Where Saltwater meets Sweetwater ‘ – Fine Blue Thread at Melbourne Recital Centre, Southbank. Helen Mountfort (cello), Ria Soemardjo (voice), Sam Evans (tabla) with Anne Norman (shakuhachi).
Dec 2015, Recording ‘Seven Tanka’ composed by Johanna Selleck, with Merlyn Quaife (soprano), Judith Dodsworth (soprano), Arwen Johnston (percussion) and Anne Norman (shakuhachi). For release on Tall Poppies.
Dec 31 2015, New Years Eve Chanting & Meditation with Jarek Czechowicz (guitar and chanting), Ami Hasson (percussion), David James (alto flute), Costas (bass guitar) and Anne (shakuhachi). Augustine Centre, Hawthorn.