Feb 20, 2018 Omusubi Kororin story telling with music at Drouin Primary School, Vic. Nexus Arts
Feb 27– Mar 8, 2018 Taiko: Drums and Flutes of Japan in Tassie. Nexus Arts
Mar 7, 2018 Acoustic gypsy jazz — joined a couple of numbers with a band of musos who gather each Wed night at the Cascade Hotel in South Hobart. Thanks Emily Sheppard for inviting me. Fabulous fun.
Mar 14-15, 2018 Taiko: Drums and Flutes of Japan in Portland, Vic. Nexus Arts
Mar-Apr, 2018 Omusubi Kororin in schools, Perth, WA. Nexus Arts
Apr 7, 2018 Ashes scattering of Gladys Tregarthen at Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park, WA. Played shakuhachi at the invitation of Penny Fletcher Hughes.
Apr 11, 2018 Pass the Days Without Name – Book Launch of poetry about refugees by Di Cousins, launched by Professor Gillian Triggs at the Collected Works bookshop, Nicholas Building, corner Swanston Street & Flinders lane. Readings by Arnold Zable and an improvised shakuhachi response by Anne Norman.
Apr 13, 2018 National Conference of Positive Education Schools Assoc. in Geelong. Shakuhachi, fue and taiko.
Apr-May, 2018 School shows in Vic. Nexus Arts
Apr 27, 2018 Fine Blue Thread (Cello, Voice, Tabla) with shakuhachi & poetry – New Hall, 11 Kirk Road, Point Lonsdale, Vic. Presented by Paul Petran in partnership with the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse Collective.
May 11, 2018 Noriko Anne George at the Box Hill Community Arts Centre, Boite World Music Café. Noriko Tadano, George Kamikawa and Anne Norman.

May 20, 2018 The Chris Young Ensemble – a Free Jazz tribute to the late and great Tom E Lewis. Chris Young (clarinet, sax), Tony Tok Norris (trumpet), Tom Fryer (guitars), John O’Hagan (bass) & Ted Vining (drums) with guest artist Anne Norman (shakuhachi). The Jazz Lab, 27 Leslie street Brunswick.
May 23, 2018 Shakuhachi at the Baha’i Holy Day gathering in Ballarat, Vic.
May 28-30, 2018 Kasa Jizo in Brisbane, Qld. Nexus Arts
June 4-6, 2018 Taiko: Drums and Flutes of Japan in Brisbane, Qld. Nexus Arts
June 13, 2018 Japanese Music workshops at Williamstown North Primary School. Nexus Arts
June 15, 2018 Shakuhachi at the conferral ceremony of the Order of the Rising Sun to Mr Sidney Baillieu Myer AC at the Consul-General of Japan’s residence in Toorak – Mr Kazuyoshi Matsunaga.
Jul 7 2018 ‘Seven Tanka’ by Johanna Selleck. Merlyn Quaife (sop), Judith Dodsworth (sop), Arwen Johnston (perc), Anne Norman (shak). The Australian Composer Series at the Gender Diversity in Music Making Conference, Monash University.
in Europe…
July 30 2018, Shakuhachi Symposium at SOAS University of London.
Aug 1-4 2018, World Shakuhachi Festival 2018, at Goldsmiths, University of London, St. James, New Cross
Aug 2 2018, Lunchtime concert 2.2 in the Great Hall at Goldsmiths. ‘Whispered Shadows’. “Your piece was the star of the day, so many techniques brilliantly used for real music…” George. “Words fail me. I cannot tell you what your music has done for me” David. “I cried when you played.” Masumi
Aug 4 2018, 10am Workshop: New Horizons 16: Anne teaches techniques of incorporating voice while playing shakuhachi, London. “I was very excited to learn about Anne’s techniques in alternating sung lyrics and blown notes… I liked the workshop a lot, it encouraged me to practice further with my voice… I keep the inspiration preciously.” Hélène
Aug 29 2018, A Water Tower Sound Experiment video/ audio recording session with Gérard Widmer fujara, Willi Grimm didjeridu, Anne Norman shakuhachi, and René harmonic singing in an empty water tower close to Bern. Willi made many tracks from this session all on YouTube.
Sept 4, 2018 8pm joint concert with Jürg Zurmühle (shakuhachi, keyboards, vocals) in Raum für Musik, Eichenweg 1, 4410 Liestal, Switzerland.

Sept 8-9, Swizzeridoo, 14th Swiss Didgeridoo Festival, Bern. Solo shakuhachi and in collaboration with festival director Willi Grimm (didjeridu) and other artists. “My highlight of Swizzeridoo – alphorn, shakuhachi and didgeridoo. I’m totally amazed…” Philipp Gerisch.
back in Australia…
Sept 19, 2018 Moe TAIKO drums and flutes of Japan. Nexus Arts
Oct 4, 2018 Book Signing with Piper, the illustrator of The Car Fairy aboard the Searoads Ferry between Queenscliff and Sorento, with readings and drawing activities.
Oct-Nov, 2018 School Shows in Vic, Nexus Arts
Oct 27, 2018 8:10pm Canberra Nara Candle Festival, Canberra Nara Peace Park, Lennox Gardens, Yarralumla, ACT — solo shakuhachi
Dec 1, 2018 7pm Saturday, Boite end of year concert — acoustic music from across the globe, including Anne’s new works for shakuhachi. North Fitzroy, Vic.
Dec 31, 2018 New Years Eve Chanting, Music and Meditation with Jarek Czechowicz. 7:30pm to 1am. Augustine Centre, Hawthorn, Vic. With Roderick McLeod (percussion & kora) and Stephen Hornby (bass).