Jan 5 2019, Evenings Across Australia 7pm ABC Radio, interview with presenter Tatyana Clancy, producer Laura Dawes.
Feb 22 2019, Koto and Shakuhachi gig @ Mornington Dojo with Brandon Lee by invitation.
Feb 27 2019, Way of The Flower, 6pm Melbourne Recital Centre, Salon, Shoso Shimbo – ikebana, Anne Norman – shakuhachi, Brandon Lee – koto

Mar 9 2019, Woman Scream international poetry event. 2pm The Moon cafe in Northbridge, WA. A shakuhachi response.
Mar 11-15 2019, Kasa Jizo in Perth schools, WA. Nexus Arts
Mar 18-22 2019, TAIKO Drums and Flutes of Japan in Perth and Geraldton schools, WA. Nexus Arts
Mar 25-29 2019, Kasa Jizo and the Wonderful Hat Song in Perth schools, WA. Nexus Arts
Apr 2-3 2019, TAIKO Drums and Flutes in Launceston schools, Tas. Nexus Arts
Apr 9-10 2019, Recording with Emily Sheppard and Yyan Ng at Al Future’s sound studio, Tas
Apr 12 2019, HeartMoon concert series, 7pm Rosny Barn, Clarence City, Tas. With Emily Sheppard, Yyan Ng, Helen Thomson, and the UTas Conservatorium Vocal Ensemble. A video excerpt of Anne and Emily playing Whispered Shadows.
Apr 13 2019, HeartMoon concert series, 10:30pm kunanyi / Mt Wellington Observation Shelter, with Emily Sheppard, Yyan Ng & Helen Thomson. Tasmania
Apr 20 2019, Eat the Problem, 1pm MONA, Hobart. Performed solo, alternating shakuhachi and spoken word with the world’s largest glockenspiel.

Apr 26 2019, HeartMoon concert series, Ulverston Live and the Wharf, with Emily Sheppard, Yyan Ng. Tasmania
Apr 28 2019, HeartMoon concert series, 3pm MOFO at Design Centre, Launceston, with Emily Sheppard, Yyan Ng. Tasmania

May 10 2019, Moonlight, Anne Norman (shakuhachi) with Brandon Lee Koto Ensemble and Junko Azukawa (ink art) with projections of artwork by Kay Watanabe, Naoko Yamada, Yasuo Karaki and Jarrah Wadsworth. Box Hill Community Centre Matsudo Concert, presented by the Boite.

May 12 2019, shakuhachi at “Celebrations at the inauguration of the new Soto Zen temple Jikishoan” in Heidelberg, Vic.
May 17 2019, ABC West 6:40am interview with Jeremy Leein a Zebra suit!
May 19 2019, Moon in Water, shakuhachi and poetry recital with guest artist Jeanette Hayncl(recorder), 4pm Mozart Hall, Warrnambool, Vic
May 31 2019, Mt Eliza Primary School, TAIKO Drums and Flutes of Japan. JMiS.
Jun 1 2019, Boite 40th birthday celebrations at Abbotsford Convent, performing with Mitch Tambo (didj), Alex Vargas (quena) and Joseph Tsombanopoulos (gaida), and the closing “Ederlezi” with Rose de la Montana, Gelareh Pour, Ernie Gruner, Lamine Sonko, Omados, Opa Bato…

Jun 3-6 2019, TAIKO Drums and Flutes in Brisbane schools, QLD. Nexus Arts
Jun 12-24 2019, Omusubi and Taiko shows in schools in regional Vic. Nexus Arts
concerts in Japan…
July 6 2019, “Duos for One” Anne Norman at Uzuru Gallery Sanjo-Teramachi, Kyoto, Japan. REVIEWS:『コンサートはとてもすてきでした。声とのダブル奏法など、ほんものを聞いてびっくりしました。あんなに正確に声で音程をとれるとは想像していませんでした。 』泉武夫 “Your concert was superb. Your double playing method with voice, was truly surprising to hear. The pitch accuracy of your voice was beyond imagination.” Izumi Takeo
July 7 2019, guest performer in a Tanabata concert by Yoshinori Kamizono at 神薗善規 Shuseirei Church, 3-chōme-5-3 Nakanochō, Miyakojima-ku, Ōsaka-shi, Ōsaka-fu 534-0027, Japan
July 14 2019, Moon in Water 水の月 shakuhachi recital with Masakazu Uehata (piano) at Nagomitei なごみ邸 横浜市緑区中山町21-1 Yokohama, Japan. REVIEWS:『オーストラリア人である彼女が奏でる音は、オーストラリアの先住民アボリジニのデジュリドゥを思わせるものであったり、ハーモニカのハンドブロウであったり、フルートのフラッターやブロウといった様々な楽器の奏法を取り込んでいて、尺八という楽器の枠を超えた素晴らしい演奏だった。そしてピンク・フロイドやイエスなどを感じさせるプログレッシブロックの匂いが、そこここに散りばめられているのには、驚きとともにニヤッとしながら楽しませてもらった。』妹尾研祐 “The sound she played as an Australian is reminiscent of Aboriginal didgeridoo, harmonica, flute flutter-tongue and other musical instruments. It was a wonderful performance that went beyond the framework of the instrument, with an occasionally whiff of progressive rock that smacked of Pink Floyd and Yes.” SENŌ Kensuke
concerts in Europe…
July 25–28 2019 European Shakuhachi Summer School at Fundação Oriente, Lisbon, Portugal. Anne presented workshops on her vocal techniques for shakuhachi, performed in concerts and attended other sessions.

Aug 6 2019, 8:30pm Concert for Planet Earth Daniel Perret (concert Harp) and Anne Norman (shakuhachi). Music improvisations at the church Eglise de Saint Léon sur Vézère, Dordogne, France. Recorded binaurally by Stefan Bangert:
Aug 15-18 2019, ‘Listen to Tea ~ 聴茶’ A Tea gathering in Berlin with Thirsty Moon and other tea masters from various cultures. Anne performed her tea poetry and shakuhachi with Marisol Jiménez’s electronic and mixed media sound installations between tea ceremonies.
Aug 24-25 2019, Rings Around the Moon, shakuhachi workshops and concert at the Ryuzan cultural centre, Haarlem, Netherlands, with guest artist Claudia Erland on bass koto. Organised by Joke Verdoold & Roderik de Munck.
Sept 3 2019, 19.00, Musik zur Kontemplation, Japanische Bambus-Flöte, St. Laurentius Kirche, Schledehausen, Bissendorf, Germany.
Sept 8 2019, Singing the Shakuhachi concert with Jürg Zurmühle in Karthäuserkirche, Waisen House, Basel, Switzerland.
back in Oz…
Sept 28 2019, Spring Chanting Meditation with Jarek Czechowicz (guitar), Roderick McLeod (kora) & Stephen Hornby (bass) at Augustine Hall, Swell Centre, 2 Minona St, Hawthorn, Vic. Australia.
Oct-Dec 2019, shows in schools in Vic & SA through Nexus Arts
Nov 30 2019, 1:15pm Japanese Summer Festival, North Geelong, solo shakuhachi on the Outdoor Stage, Diversitat Northern Community Hub, Arunga Avenue, Norlane.

Nov 30 2019, 7:30 pm The Boite’s Fabulous Fortieth Final Fling, The Laundry, Abbotsford Convent, 1 St Heliers St, Abbotsford, Melbourne. Anne performed solo and a spontaneous duo with bass recorder player Rodney Waterman. Tickets.
Dec 12 2019, 8pm The Faraway Trio perform at The Factory, 5 Fredrick street Northcote – a pop-up sessions venue. New music by a new free jazz trio, Anne Norman shakuhachi, Stephen Hornby double bass, Chris Lewis drums.
Dec 31 2019, 7:30pm to 1am. New Years Eve Chanting, Music and Meditation with Jarek Czechowicz. Augustine Centre, Habitat Uniting Church, 2 Minona St Hawthorn, Vic. Tickets. Anne’s shakuhachi with Roderick McLeod (percussion & kora), James Webster (bass guitar) and Jarek Czechowicz (guitar).